Finally the “soundcloud” integration is being real in this website. I’ve finished this morning with all the changes in the releases and you can listen or download actually any track of any album, EP or single just clicking on the track name (before the only option was to download the complete release), on the “Radio” space. The only change to finish with this integration is doing the same with the «independent track» section, but I’ll launch this with the release of the new EP, not before.

What about this new release, everything is finished, so that maybe I decide to put it here before than May, I’ll see… 🙂 By the way, the title has changed from «Sampling From A Different Point Of View» to «Don’t Kill The Vinyl», as much as I make a little tribute to the vinyl recordings along all the tracks. Seven tracks, including two bonus tracks (different mixes of previous tracks, nothing special).

Returning to the “soundcloud” integration, you can’t only download or listen directly any track, but you can now add commentaries, to share or integrate via Facebook, Myspace, Twitter… I think it’s a nice improvement 🙂

In a few of days: «Don’t Kill The Vinyl».

Now Playing – Morbid Angel: God Of Emptiness