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Released new music for Cautiva!

Greetings! What a long time again not writing here! It seems to be only able to write one post every year! Hahaha! But...


Sleeping with Ghosts!

Hello there! First of all, I hope everything is well with you, your family and friends. Just half a year since last time...


Second sample of the new extreme metal project

Actually a lot of busy with my full-time job and just spending a few hours every week in my music (or even less!),...


Working in a new extreme metal project! :-)

Happy 2019 to everybody!! During the period 2005-2015 I was working, from time to time, in my metal project CAUTIVA. Initially the idea...


Excerpts from each track on Navigator

Yesterday I uploaded to Soundcloud excerpts from each track to be released on the upcoming album, including new music not shared here. You...



A few weeks ago, with the arrival of the new year, I shared on Facebook my “e-proj #2”. This new piece, called «Navigator»,...


Changes in the website: listen or download directly any track!

Finally the “soundcloud” integration is being real in this website. I’ve finished this morning with all the changes in the releases and you...


New EP in May and soundcloud integration

New EP in May. Actually I’m finishing my second project for 2011 (the first one was the soundtrack for «La Boîte», and the...

Copyright by José Travieso