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New EP released!

My new EP has been released on 20th of this month. It’s called «The Dream» and follows the structure used a year before...


Updates on Works and Studio Inventory

Concerning the new release, I’ve finished some updates on the «Works» and «Studio Inventory» documents. I’ve made some changes in the structure of...


Just some updates in this website

Not related with new music or projects. Actually I’m very busy and I don’t have time to think about my own music, but...


aCtIviTy / InAcTiVitY

Well, first of all: Hello again! No, I didn’t die 🙂 … Last time I wrote here or on Facebook was February. Then...


Two out-takes from ‘Navigator’ sessions

Hi there! Recently I shared on Facebook and uploaded to this website two unreleased tracks taken from sessions for my last album, «Navigator»...


Major update on Works

How is everything going? Two weeks ago I finished a major update of «Works». I’ve made some changes that I was thinking about...


Official website 2.0

Hello there and welcome to the new version of the website! It’s nice to be again writing you after all these months of...


The secret project «Improvisation for…» finished!

The secret project «Improvisation for…» has finished. When I decided the last year to add a link for receiving money donations in this...


New CD-S released: «La Boîte»

Well, two months ago I didn’t expect this at all, but here is: «La Boîte», a new CD-S, has been released During the...



Summer has usually been a time in which I have worked more in my music (for example, the last summer I recorded the...

Copyright by José Travieso