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Website v3 is here!

JT Website v3 is here! Last September 1st the new version of my website was launched and I can actually say that it’s...


Major update on Works

How is everything going? Two weeks ago I finished a major update of «Works». I’ve made some changes that I was thinking about...


New section with studio inventory

I’ve added a new section in this website in which you’ll find a new document: –Studio inventory and Archive. This is a document...


Official website 2.0

Hello there and welcome to the new version of the website! It’s nice to be again writing you after all these months of...


Website finished and working

December, 13. Good mark! After a hard work during the last days, today I can say this website is finished. All the sections...


Opening of this website, a new track for it!

Today, 1st of December of 2009, this new website begins to work. Not all the sections are actually available, but an important part...

Copyright by José Travieso