Hello there!

First of all, I hope everything is well with you, your family and friends.

Just half a year since last time I wrote here… Not much to tell and not many projects in which I had been working… My time for music since September has been much more than the previous year (which was really awful due to a complete lack of time for my private life or hobbies), but anyway, during the last months, I have had to spend much more time and energy in my job than I was expecting (because COVID-19 context in the Spanish schools). After all that, day by day, I don’t find pleasure creating music or doing something creative. Just I work at the school, I work more at home, next I have my family life and not much more… I feel that now is not time to create music or to add something complex to my life, so I try to relax a bit watching films or listening to music… Anyway, from time to time, I do something related to my stuff, my music, my studio and so on. I’ll tell you a bit:

First, at the end of December I had vacations and I found time to create a new experimental/ambient track. I have called it “Sleeping With Ghosts” and it’s a really experimental recording in which I have wanted to explore the concepts of time, space and transmutation through the music and the auditive sensations. This track is different to any thing I have made in the past, but I hope you like. I have shared it today in the Independent Tracks section.

Second, veeryyyy from time to time I work in a new metal project, a collaboration which I mentioned in this website last September. It’s close to stop, but anyway some work is made. Just actually I don’t know what will happen with all this!

Third, I made some changes in my studio last summer, but they didn’t work, I didn’t feel comfortable with them. So, with the beginning of 2021, I wanted to try a radical decision: to adjust from zero. I took out all my furniture and equipment and I started to work from zero with sound, acoustic panels, location and so on… The idea was to try something new, different to the conventional home studios or studio recordings, facing the future projects I would like to do and future equipment that I would like to buy. The idea was risky, because maybe I might have to return to the original configuration after days and days of work, but finally it was worth it! I haven’t finished yet and I’m actually in a empty-point waiting for a few acoustic panels from UK which never come (Brexit and a really embarrassing UPS!), but anyway I’m very happy with the new set-up. When I finish, maybe I’ll upload some pictures.

…And well, I believe that I will not have much activity over here for the next months, but I hope summer will be other story! 🙂

Best wishes, be healthy and good luck!

Now playing – AKVARIUM: Kostroma, Mon Amour 🙂