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navigator (lp – 2016)


New album details!

These are some details about the upcoming album: It’ll be called «Lost In Blue», title connected with the music and -as it’s usual-...


Two out-takes from ‘Navigator’ sessions

Hi there! Recently I shared on Facebook and uploaded to this website two unreleased tracks taken from sessions for my last album, «Navigator»...


Navigator released!

21st of October of 2016. Official day of releasing Navigator, my new album. I hope you enjoy this recording inspired by the classical...


Excerpts from each track on Navigator

Yesterday I uploaded to Soundcloud excerpts from each track to be released on the upcoming album, including new music not shared here. You...


Cover artwork of the new album

This is the cover artwork for the album to be released in the next month. Thanks to Lenore Ani for this wonderful piece...


Some details about the upcoming new album

Finally it’ll be released in the second half of October and it’ll have as title “Navigator”, as I said here a time ago....

Copyright by José Travieso