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… News …


New CD-S released: «La Boîte»

Well, two months ago I didn’t expect this at all, but here is: «La Boîte», a new CD-S, has been released During the...


New section and music

Hello there! I’ve added a new music section which will allow me to have more versatility in the different projects and styles of...


Other two new tracks: «Longing…» and «Zombie Nation»

Second part of two! As Christmas gift, today I share with you other two new tracks: The first piece, «Longing…», was recorded for...


New track: «Raymond Blue 2010»

First part of two! Here you can download one of the last recordings that I have made recently: It was recorded in September...


Working on two projects

Finally I have decided to center my effort during the next year in two projects. First of all and mainly, I’m working on...


Cautiva selected in «Free! Music! 2010 Sampler!»

«Free! Music! Contest» is an initiative that the german collective MusikPiraten e.V. launchs every year compiling the best free (and Creative Commons licensed)...


Very special offer: «Human» in CD for only $9.50!

And free of shipping charges!!! Later than I expected, but here it’s: the CD version of Cautiva’s album «Human», released for first time...


Pictures of the home studio (recently improved)

Hello there! I’ve left in the Gallery section a few of pictures of my actual home studio. As always it’s a humble studio...



Summer has usually been a time in which I have worked more in my music (for example, the last summer I recorded the...

Copyright by José Travieso