Almost a year since my last entry here! Wow!
First of all, I hope you, your friends and your family are all right and you aren’t having any big troubles because of the f**king COVID-19.
I’m okay and I can actually say that my family is okey too. That’s great! I think that we had COVID-19 at home, but I’m not sure. In March my wife had problems related to this disease and then in Spain there was a lot of spread and sick people… She couldn’t receive a test (my country, Spain, is making an awful management in this crisis), and we had to be separated at home for a month, but fortunately my wife never had really serious symptoms (well, we thought about going to hospital twice) and she is actually okey. If I had the disease, it wasn’t much. This would be the best could happen actually with both of us, wouldn’t it?
The next week my country is doing two months of strong confinement and I’m spend the 99% of the time at home. Fortunately I can work from home, but I spend the most of the time in front of a computer preparing video-lessons, teaching, replying messages and so on. I’m a teacher and this is now my life. Computerized teacher! Hahaha!….. Not so good 😛
The music:
I didn’t write anything here for almost a year because my activity with my music has been minimum all this time. Already in the period 2018/19 I was mostly inactive because of lack of time but also because of a growing lack of interest. In the first half of 2019 I began a bit of activity releasing the «Spirit» EP and working again in music for CAUTIVA. In summer I didn’t make much, but I was there, working from time to time in CAUTIVA… But in September everything changed: I got a new position at my job which I applied for a few months earlier and this position, for a whole academic year, has been very demanding. When I applied I knew it was demanding, but the reality was, for a number of reasons, much worse. So, since September, the most of the time, literally, I have been working… Morning, afternoon, evening, some times at night… Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday… Usually all the days of the week including Sundays! I’m demanding with my own work and to maintain the level I have wanted has been really awful. Literally I have had one day off per month, not more! In this context of the last months, it has been really difficult to find time and energy for music, and for this reason the most of the time I didn’t have any activity at all!
The good news is that I’m finishing this situation and I’m not going to repeat. I’ll try a different position, a “normal” position, and so to be able to relax more and to take life in a different sense, healthier. It’s good for my music because I hope to have time for it in the future.
The real music:
The only stuff I could finish during the last year are two electronic pieces: an improvisation that I made the past November and a track that I have been recording from time to time during the last months and that I have dedicated to all the victims of COVID-19. It’s not much, but I think it’s good music and I have decided released it as an EP at the end of this month. The idea is this: to release the EP, to finish with my job and to begin to active again my music. Frankly speaking, I want to continue working in my musical projects, I have a lot of ideas always in my mind, but I have to fight against two things: lack of time, and lack of motivation… Lack of motivation because when I have had some periods of free time and I try to create music, I can see that music is not so motivating, exciting, funny and so on than ten years ago, and for this reason I finally decide not to spend much time in it.
So, I want to change this situation. What about lack of time, I hope to finish with this problem in June. What about lack of motivation, I’m going to make some changes to discover again the pleasure of creating music. I think that the main problem here is that, during the last years, when I have created music, the most of the times I have acted like a job and I have pressed myself too much to do my best. So, I’m going to change some aspects concerning how I have created music for these last years:
-First of all, maybe bye-bye “Electronic Years”. I think it’s a good moment for a “change of period” to new styles and methods (as I do from time to time). I want to try new things, fresh airs… Let’s see if I do it or not!
-Second, more hardware and less software. The last few years I have concentrated a lot of my work on the computer to get the best possible results, and this is very booorriiinnnggg most of the times… Very powerful, but boring. I enjoy much more playing directly on real instruments, touching real knobs than working with mouse… So, I have decided in the future to concentrate in a real contact with instruments and not to depend so much on computers.
-Third… Well, we’ll see in the future! I have some more ideas and I’m now in a period of reflection (not only in music, also my life and past!), so… we’ll see, we’ll see… I think in some changes and they motivate me, and this is good!
Well, too much text and I don’t want to bore you… In summary: 1) very stressed and lack of time because my job as a teacher for the last year; 2) I’m releasing an EP this month with the two tracks I could record; and 3), that I hope to begin the activity with my music this summer with interesting changes and new ideas!
Best wishes for all of you and the best of the healths,
Now playing – Camarón de la Isla & Paco de Lucía: Al Verte las Flores Lloran (the best flamenco!)